Customers become loyal, when they stick with you despite temporary inconveniences, or a one-off bad experience, and become prisoners if they stick with you because of lack of options.

Trending today are many kinds of loyalty, transaction or mercenary loyalty, emotional or cult loyalty, real or true loyalty, and inertia or prisoners.

Which kind of loyalty members is your loyalty program acquiring?

Customers become loyal over a series of transaction, when…

a) the brand or product design is special, the fit is fabulous – the individual believes it reflects his /her identity

b) The great experience with the brand & people they deal with.

c) The trust they build when a problem is resolved and ease of access to people capable of resolving it

d) The speed at which the brands respond & resolve the issue,

e) The recognition & acknowledgement of their past behavior & custom, with relevant communication & offers.

f) The convenience & ease with which they can transact

That’s when customers build a relationship with the brand.

Customers become loyal when Loyalty programs use “Points” as a tool to make clients sticky by incentivizing desired behavior. #customerloyalty #customerinsights